

Degree Type

Associate in Arts

Average Salary



Learn and Perform A Variety of Dancing Techniques

Welcome To Dance

What will you learn?

Studying dance prepares students to pursue a variety of careers in the arts and education that include dance instructor, choreographer, arts administration, yoga and pilates instructor, production manager, photographer, costume and clothing designer, physical therapist, dance medicine specialist, and special education teacher. Students educated in dance can work at K-12 schools, higher education, theaters, senior centers, recreation centers, fitness centers, dance and movie studios, community agencies/organizations such as the YMCA, and more. Students who wish to teach dance will likely transfer to a four-year institution to gain a teaching certificate, BA, MA, MFA, or PhD.


Solano Community College organizes an annual dance concert each spring for student performance in the school’s state of the art theater.

Flashback in time to the groovy rhythm of the 70s! SCC Dance will showcase Jazz, Modern, Hip-Hop, Contemporary, Ballet, and other cool movement styles for their upcoming spring dance concert.

When: May 10th
Where: Solano College Theatre
Time: 7:30 pm.

Optional: We would really love it if the audience came dressed in 70s attire. So, let’s get creative and pull out those bell bottom jeans, tie dye shirts, midi dresses, frayed jeans, floppy hats, turtlenecks, wide ties, halter tops, headbands, you got this. Have fun!

Please come out and show your support for the SCC dancers and the program.

Rodriguez High School from the Early College High School program will be joining us for the concert.

For more information contact:

Purchase tickets via this link:

May 5 & 6th at 7:30pm: Unstoppable

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Students who complete the Dance Associate in Arts will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the skills required to perform at a proficient level in a variety of dance styles including ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and modern dance.
2. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the principal, historical, theoretical, and critical approaches to dance as a performing art.
3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of production techniques, including backstage, and show management.


Enroll for Summer and Fall Semester 2023!

Students who complete the Dance Associate in Arts will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the skills required to perform at a proficient level in a variety of dance styles including ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and modern dance.
2. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the principal, historical, theoretical, and critical approaches to dance as a performing art.
3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of production techniques, including backstage, and show management.

Interested in Teaching Dance?

Did you know dance is a growing part of school curricula?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), dance classes and instruction are growing at virtually every level of the United States’ educational system. Recent statistics show that approximately 665 postsecondary institutions offer dance minor or major programs and that nearly 6,000 K-12 schools in the United States offer dance as part of the K-12 curriculum.

With roughly 3.5 million students receiving dance instruction in schools, yet only 7% being trained by physical education teachers and not dance specialists, the opportunity for certified dance instructors to find employment in schools is growing rapidly. 

Schools realize that even in the face of deep budget shortages, physical education and arts are critical factors in early childhood and adolescent education. Dance bridges the gap between these two academic areas, providing students an opportunity to be active for better health and to develop creative skills that have been proven to increase academic achievement in traditional disciplines like math and science. 

Earning a teaching license and certification from any of the postsecondary institutions and dance specialty certifying bodies gives professional dancers and dance enthusiasts the chance to become more involved with an ever-challenged educational system, provide a valuable learning experience, and create a fruitful, sustainable, and enjoyable career as a teacher.

Did you know Dance instructors can make $52,769.00 a year?

The average hourly wage for educational dance services (state, local, and private) is $25.37.

Did you know that overall employment of dancers and choreographers is projected to grow 31 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations?

About 3,000 openings for dancers and choreographers are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

In September 2016, Governor Jerry Brown signed the Theatre and Dance Act (TADA), which reestablishes teaching credentials for both dance and theater (previously eliminated by the Ryan Act in 1970). TADA lets fully certified public-school dance teachers begin teaching as early as fall 2022. The credential validates dance teachers’ work, making them more employable and providing the necessary training to uphold the Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Content Standards for California public schools. 

To read more or to find more resources for your dance teaching credentials, go to

You can also find out more by reading the 2016 California Senate Bill No. 916: an act to amend Section 44257 of the Education Code, relating to teaching credentials. For more information, visit California Legislative Information.

Staff Directory

Meet Our Dance Faculty

Program Directory

Hudson, Sheila
Dean of Health Sciences
Kaushal, Sheila
Administrative Assistant IV
Pegg, Melissa
Administrative Assistant IV

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